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This document is analysis results of the project Voyager.

Pseudo Code

You can check the pseudo code in the paper, but I write the new version of the pseudo code here.

// Pseudo code of Voyager learn function

// Prepare agents
action_agent = new Action_Agent()
curriculm_agent = new Curriculm_Agent()
critic_agent = new Critic_Agent()
skill_manager = new Skill_Manager()
env = new Minecraft_Env()
event = new EventManger()
recorder = new Recorder()

function rollout(task, context) {
action_context = construct_action_context(task, context, [])
while (true) {
// Get action which is the javascript code to execute
action = action_agent.generate_action(action_context)

// Execute the action
event = env.step(action)

// Recrod the event and task
recorder.record(event, task)

// Updat the chest(inventory) memory

// Check the success of the task
success, critique = critic_agent.check_success(event, task, context, env)

if !success {
// Revert all the placing event in this step

// Retrieve the skill from db
skills = skill_manager.retrieve_skills(task, context, action_agent.summarize_log())

// Update new action context
action_context = construct_action_context(task, context, skills)

// Determine the termination of the task
done = determine_termination(success)

if done {
return construct_info(success, critique, task, context, recorder)

function learn() {
max_iteration = ...
current_iteration = 0

while (current_iteration < max_iteration) {
// Propose the next task
task, context = curriculm_agent.propose_next_task_from_current(env, event)

// Rollout the task
info = rollout(task, context)

// Update the skills from rollout

current_iteration += 1


Dependency of LLM

Voayger uses the LLM at the following places in the pseudo code:

  • curriculm_agent.propose_next_task_from_current
    • render_humange_message: make a questino, answer pair
      • run_qa1: Geneate the questions to find the blocks, items, and mobs
      • run_qa2: Answer the questions from run_qa1
    • propose_next_ai_task: Generate the next task from the render_humna_message
  • action_agent.generate_action: Generate the action(javascript code) from the task
  • critic_agent.check_success: Check the success of the task

So if Voyager run the 1 cycle of the learn function, it will use the LLM 5 times sequentially.

  1. run_qa1 from curriculm agent
  2. run_qa2 from curriculm agent
  3. propose_next_ai_task from curriculm agent
  4. generate_action from action agent
  5. check_success from critic agent